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Corona stage 3: Do you know what is the situation right now

stages of the pandemic virus

corona outbreak is now at the edge of the second stage in India as Many reports say
“I have received the report from our panel of doctors recommending measures to prepare for a potential Stage 3 outbreak of COVID-19 in Delhi. We are ramping up our capacity for an eventuality of 1,000 daily positive cases, for testing, treatment, and isolation," Kejriwal said during a press briefing on Friday.

  • 1. The preparations have already begun in Delhi, where the government has started scaling up its health infrastructure

  • 2. Stage 3 is community transmission when the source of infection is not known for the majority of the infected population and new positive cases can no longer be traced to diagnosed cases

Coronavirus India's latest news and updates:  The number of Coronavirus positive cases in India has touched 834 even as the country is witnessing a 21-day ‘complete lockdown’. As per the latest data provided by the Union Ministry of Health, the death toll due to COVID-19 was 19, according to a PTI report. However, the Modi government has allayed fears saying that there was no “hard evidence” to state that stage-3 of Coronavirus has begun like a community spread With an aim to help mitigate the needs of poor people, the central government has announced Rs 1.70 lakh crore financial package. The Reserve Bank of India has also announced a slew of measures to ease the burden of people in the country.
According to the latest data provided by the Union Health Ministry, the total number of active coronavirus positive cases was 748. In a silver lining, 66 patients have been diagnosed or cured or discharged or migrated. The number of deaths due to Coronavirus in India rose to 19. Over 170 countries are under the clutch of the deadly Coronavirus with the death toll of over 21,000. More than 471,518 cases have been reported, as per data.
Experts have asked people to stay at home and avoid community gatherings and strictly follow the government and do not venture out on roads unless it’s absolutely necessary and does not believe in rumors, and don’t panic. Follow our Coronavirus Live updates to get authentic real-time information regarding COVID-19. Stay tuned:


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